New Radio Time Slot
I found out this past Monday night that my new radio time slot for the Spring schedule is going to be Monday mornings from 8-10AM, Eastern Time, and I'm starting back up in just a few days! I am happy with the turnout, knowing that many people will be hearing my show on the road and that it would be a good slot for many listeners. However, I realized that some of my loyal fans might be unable to tune in at this early hour to keep up with my show. So I thought to myself, 'How can I still deliver my broadcast to my fans without losing anybody?'. This is the official unveiling of DJ Dark Flow's "Adrift In The Airwaves" radio podcast!
You can find my show easy, just go to there you have it! Any new shows will be posted on my new podcast right after my show! In the meantime, I gave my podcast page a little life by posting FIVE solid radio mixes from October through December 2009. If you are new to my show and don't know what to expect, be sure to check out one of my broadcasts posted on my podcast! This is DJ Dark Flow, signing out for tonight.